Peer review procedure

The reviewing process goes through all the articles that have been submitted to the editorial board of the scientific and practical journal "Journal of Civic Studies".

Review stages:

The author submits to the Editorial Board an eligible article.

Checking the article for anti-plagiarism. For all articles submitted for review, the degree of uniqueness of the author's text is determined using the appropriate software.

All manuscripts submitted to the editorial board are forwarded to the reviewer. Appoints Reviewers Editor-in-Chief.

Members of the editorial board of the journal act as reviewers for reviewing articles.

The reviewer, as a rule, within 3-5 days concludes that the article can be printed (fills in a standardized form that contains summary recommendations).

Reviewing is conducted confidentially on the principles of double-blind peer review (two-way "blind" peer review when neither the author nor the reviewer know each other). The interaction between the author and the reviewers takes place through the editing editor.

If the reviewer indicates the need to make certain corrections in the article, the article is sent to the author with the suggestion to take into account the comments in the preparation of the updated version of the article or to substantiate them. The author adds a letter to the revised article, which answers all the comments and explains all the changes that have been made to the article. The revised version is re-submitted to the reviewer for a decision and to prepare a reasoned opinion on the possibility of publication.

The final decision on the possibility and expediency of publication is made by the editor-in-chief, and if necessary - by the meeting of the editorial board as a whole.

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